Simone has produced/directed and/or researched the following instructional videos, animations, oral histories, television programs, event recordings and documentaries.

Academic Appointments

Simone produced, designed and edited this short instructional video for the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) using Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, and Character Animator.

What is a CV?

Simone produced, designed and edited this short instructional video for the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) using Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, and Character Animator.

A History of Higher Education

Simone produced and did archival research for this eight-minute overview for the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS).

Sensei Fran Kicks Ass

Simone researched, produced and directed this award-winning 20 minute short documentary which screened at numerous festivals. Individuals can purchase a DVD, or stream it on OVID TV. Institutions can purchase a fully licensed DVD, or stream through Docuseek.

The Life of Cheng Se Tseo in His Own Words

Simone researched, produced and directed this 30-minute documentary that appeared on two PBS stations.

Special Immigrant Visa Video Series

Simone researched, produced and directed a series of short educational videos for Iraqi and Afghan interpreters who were immigrating to the United States. She managed a team of videographers, audio engineers and editors. 

Coffee and Canvas Microlearning Series

Simone co-wrote and edited this series of microlearning videos on how to use the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS).

Behavioral Health YouTube Channel

Simone established and maintained The Danya Institute’s YouTube Channel. She recorded and edited most of the lectures on it.

The Confounding History Project

Simone serves as co-producer for this series of documentaries specially designed for use in the classroom.

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Production still from Syrian Conversations

Production still from Syrian Conversations

Syrian Conversations

Simone researched, produced and directed a series of short educational videos for Syrian immigrants. She managed a team of videographers, interpreters and editors. Unfortunately, these videos are not currently available to the public.

Racial Disparities Case Study

Simone saw potential in a case study from a recorded webinar. So she used her editing skills to add images and create a story to increase empathy and understanding of the devastating impact of racism in the healthcare system.

Simone has also written: