Simone is both an instructional designer and award-winning documentary filmmaker, and has found that working in each field enriches her skills in the other. She is currently producing The Death Positive Project. Previously she:
Co-produced/Directed Sensei Fran Kicks Asswhich screened at 19 film festivals.
Produced/Directed The Life of Cheng Se Tseo in His Own Words, which aired on two Pennsylvania public TV stations.
Co-Produced American Feudand Confounding Father.
Produced/directed a series ofshort instructional films for Afghan and Iraqi refugees.
Co-founded and co-facilitated the Docs in Progress/Women in Film and Video Roundtablefrom 2011 - 2023.
Designed/produced/wrote/edited two explainer animations - Academic AppointmentsandWhat is a CV?
Researched, produced and found archival images forA History of Higher Education.
Serves as a Topic Host in the D-word documentary community.
Click here to see her instructional design portfolio.